Most rabbits are cuddly and cute animals. However, there are cases where rabbits seem to hate and be mean to their owners. If you're among the rabbit owners who are wondering how to stop their rabbit from biting, here are some tips.
Nipping is one of the rabbit's ways to draw attention. If you think this is what's causing your bunny's behavior, squealing loudly whenever your rabbit does it is a good idea. This way, your rabbit will finally realize that this behavior is hurting you. You may see improvements— the nips may get softer or may even stop altogether.
On the other hand, nipping may mean more than seeking attention. Rabbits also tend to display aggression and be territorial. The solution may be spaying/neutering. It will also help if you build a more trusting relationship between you and your pet.
Any concerns you may have about your pet’s health and/or behavior should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Eau Claire, WI.