Are you aware of all the diseases pet dogs may acquire or develop? It is not really necessary to know them all. But, you must at least have an idea about them so you would know the appropriate treatments to be done.
Have you heard about parvovirus? This viral infection is extremely contagious among dogs and fatal among unvaccinated dogs. Puppies as young as two to five months are more prone to this infection because this population represents those who are not complete with the vaccination yet. What are the symptoms of parvovirus? The indications include the following:
Refusal to eat
This disease is diagnosed via a blood test. Understand that this infection can attack your pet’s body cells, especially those found in the intestines and immune system. There is no developed cure yet for the parvovirus infection. Thus experts stress that prevention is better than cure.
Consult your vet Omaha, NE about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.