Whiskers are the most iconic part of being a cat, you can't imagine or draw a cat without its whiskers. But its purpose is not only to make them adorable but also to help with their navigation and adaptation.
Though you may think that whiskers only appear on their nose, the truth is, that they also have these sensors in their eyes, ears, jaw, and legs. In addition, the whiskers in their forelegs are the reason why they can hunt and determine the movement of their prey even when dark.
The sensory tendrils on the back of their front legs are the ones essential for hunting, while the whiskers on the underside of your cat’s wrists known as the carpal whiskers let your cat know whether the prey they caught in their paws is moving and if the prey has been secured in their paws. Cat Whiskers Are Important Hunting Tools
Whiskers are the most iconic part of being a cat, you can't imagine or draw a cat without its whiskers. But its purpose is not only to make them adorable but also to help with their navigation and adaptation.
Though you may think that whiskers only appear on their nose, the truth is, that they also have these sensors in their eyes, ears, jaw, and legs. In addition, the whiskers in their forelegs are the reason why they can hunt and determine the movement of their prey even when dark.
The sensory tendrils on the back of their front legs are the ones essential for hunting, while the whiskers on the underside of your cat’s wrists known as the carpal whiskers let your cat know whether the prey they caught in their paws is moving and if the prey has been secured in their paws.
If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your veterinary Aurora, CO.